Stephanie Sauer é uma artista interdisciplinar que trabalha com linguagem, livros, tecidos e o espaço entre parênteses. Ela é autora de The Accidental Archives of the Royal Chicano Air Force (University of Texas Press) e Almonds Are Members of the Peach Family (Noemi Press), e expôs suas obras no De Young Museum, no Center for Book Arts e na Biblioteca Nacional de Bagdá. É mestre pela School of the Art Institute of Chicago e mora entre Brasília e o norte da Califórnia. Cofundadora d’A Bolha Editora e da Praça, ela é professora no MFA of the Americas da Stetson University.
May 1 – 22, 2022
Stephanie Sauer is a interdisciplinary artist working with language, books, fiber, and the space between parentheses. She is the author of The Accidental Archives of the Royal Chicano Air Force (University of Texas Press) and Almonds Are Members of the Peach Family (Noemi Press), and has exhibited her works at the De Young Museum, the Center for Book Arts, and the National Library of Baghdad. She earned her MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and lives between Brasília and Northern California. Co-founder of A Bolha Editora and Praça, she is a professor at the MFA of the Americas at Stetson University.